Online psychic
readings in Melbourne Australia
Pls see the new Metaphysical store website for psychic tarot reading and energy healing bookings ! ![]() Bonny is an international psychic reader who also has worked full time as a tarot reader in various Melbourne metaphysicial shops and used to work on the psychic phone lines. She has over 20 years experience of reading Tarot and has had the gift of insight / psychic abilities since a child. She has always been a healer and has also had a keen interest in metaphysical and paranormal subjects since adolescence. She is a Certified Emotion Code® practitioner, a Certified Compassion Key® practitioner and has additionally trained in Theta Healing (level 3) , in Reiki (level 3) & NLP (neuro linguistic programming.) Furthermore she is an artist and has graduated from the Durban University of Technology with a diploma in fine art and also have a Cert 4 in graphic design from the Durban Central College. Her art is for sale in metaphysical shops within the greater Melbourne area and online. She moved to Melbourne, Australia from Durban, South Africa in 2001. ![]() ![]() The readings Bonny offers can provide guidance, insights and give you new ideas. It usually helps clients to see things they might not have seen before and gain clarity about various issues / conflicts and situations that may come up in life. The readings can also help to bring insight and depth in relation to being in alignment with the path of your true higher will and your soul's mission. Bonny endeavors to keep her readings honest, focused, and to the point. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Trapped emotions can contribute to illnesses, distress, addictions, exaggerated responses to situations (being triggered), physical and emotional pain, PDSD, relationship problems, depression as well as many other issues. Most Emotion Code practitioners work online to access clients from all over the globe.
![]() ![]() ![]() "Compassion Key® is the only healing system that I know of that goes to the core of an issue by actually dissolving karmic distortions. The Karmic layer is the base / root layer of all energy healing. If an issue will not resolve after one has tried everything else it may be due to karmic imprints & distortions. In the Compassion Key® modality karma is not necessarily a punishment system - one can also incur karmic imprints from being victimised as well as from other experiences. Karma is literally the imprints that are created on the lens which is located between this manifest reality and our source / spiritual selves. " - Bonny Hut ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The
tarot readings, Emotion Code and Compassion Key sessions can be done
online on Skype or other platforms
such as Whats App , Signal, Telegram or video call. Occasionally they
are just done on the phone.
(Many people are returning to using Skype after Zoom changed their policies.) Skype is also simpler to use. Time zone examples: When it is 10 pm in Melbourne it is 8 pm in New York and 1 pm in London. When it is 11 am in Melbourne it is 9 pm in New York and 6 pm in Seattle. GLOBAL TIME AND DATE CONVERTER LINK ![]() ![]() Please see the new website: ![]() ![]() ![]() Like all readings and energy healing services there is no refund policy but, if, for any reason, you are not happy with the session please contact Bonny so that we can fix the issue. So far she has not had any complaints in all the years she has been reading & doing healings. There are however, also a small amount of people, whom , for various reasons, she can not read. We will usually only know about this on the day. If this is the case, your money will be returned to you, she will not pretend that she can read for you just to take your money. She is also unable to do readings that involve giving legal advice, medical advice or giving advice about large financial decisions such as which house you should buy. Please go to the professionals in these fields to address these matters. What you choose to do after the reading is also your own free will. You must be 18 years or older to receive a reading. All info shared in the healing sessions and psychic readings are kept strictly confidential. ![]() ![]() ![]() Even though Bonny is psychic and a gifted healer - 100 % accuracy is not guaranteed. (Time lines can also shift when we change our frequency about something. Which is often why people come for readings... so that they can shift to a better future time line. ) The reading will not solve all your problems for you, but it should give you insightful guidance and advice from an insightful / deeper and different perspective.
You can also message
Bonny via her Etsy store: Phone, text, Whats App or signal: (Australia +61) 0439 658 588
PLEASE consider doing a review on Google reviews or the Etsy shop if
you have had a reading ! (Something short and non-personal will be fine :) Very much appreciated ! To do a Google review go here. Google
reviews can be seen here. THANK YOU AND BLESSED BE, BONNY :)
will NEVER solicit or
approach anyone for a reading or a healing.