Explorations of the Mirror Art and Poetry Journal.

Available now on Amazon.
Softcover. 184 pages.
20x 25 cm, 8 x 10 "
Available from Amazon world
wide. Sent from your closest Amazon outlet:
(An A4 hardcover version of this
will be available at the end of 2024. Not pictured here.
These hardcover books will
only be located
in and sent from Melbourne, Australia.)
Explorations of the Mirror Art Journal: Create your own life's Almanac.
Includes art and poetry by Bonny Hut
152 page full-color art journal contains: 63 pages of handprinted
artwork (which include pictures of many of the paintings in progress),
16 pages of thought-provoking poetry and 71 pages of decorated blank
and lined pages for you to fill with your own thoughts, memories /
experiences, ideas, keepsakes, poetry, drawings and musings.
This journal will make a unique gift. This portfolio of work took the artist over 20 years to create.
Explore the intriguing, surreal art world of visionary artist, Bonny
Hut with this journal. Her emotive, skillful and captivating original
oil paintings (plus two watercolors), the poetry along with two short
stories take the reader on a slightly unusual spiritual exploration
through the darker and lighter aspects of life, the human paradigm and
a range of relatable emotions.
Additionally, this could be a great journal for documenting your most
significant memories, insights or life lessons... perhaps a little bit
of a legacy to pass on to loved ones in the future ? It could also be
used to record cherished recollections or qualities you admire about a
beloved, which you could gift to them. There are so many explorations
of your mirror taken from life's journey to be chronicled.
This book was upgraded and updated in 2024.
