Wheel of the Year Art and Poetry Journal.

Available now on Amazon.
Softcover. 184 pages.
18 x 25 cm, 7 x 10 "
B5 (the size between A5 and A4)

Available from Amazon world wide. Sent from your closest Amazon outlet:


(A larger A4 hardcover version of the book will be available in a few months. Not pictured here.
These books will only be sent from Melbourne, Australia & will not be avail on Amazon.)

Wheel of the Year Art Journal: Create your own Wiccan Sabbats Almanac. Includes art and poetry by Bonny Hut

This 184 page Wheel of the Year Journal / full-color book, contains prints of original oil paintings, poetry plus decorated lined and blank pages. The paintings contain Art Nouveau style influences.

The book is based on the Wiccan Sabbats which serve to observe, revere and celebrate the eight key annual traditional and seasonal turning points of the year. These Sabbats are connected with ancient stories, mythologies and customs from old indigenous European religions... a time when more communities lived closer to the land and the changing of the seasons were richer with meaning and custom for the populace. Most cultures around the world have had, and many still have their own ways of observing these natural, cyclical, astrological junctures in time, which also reflect numerous seasonal changes in our own lives with many of us being unaware of these parallels.

Gaining more awareness of this relationship can alter the way we view life as it awakens latent parts of ourselves which are connected to ancient ancestral roots and it is also a reminder of how we are connected to everything as our inner cycles are linked to the outer rhythms in nature.

Each Sabbat entry in this journal is adorned and honored with relevant art and poetry by Australian based (South African born) artist, Bonny Hut. The artworks are reproductions of hand-painted oil paintings and pencil drawings. This book also contains blank and lined pages that could be filled with your own musings, ideas, memories, keepsakes or can be used to store information as you document and journey through the Wheel of the Year. It could also be great as a guestbook, for guarding special seasonal recipes or for archiving rituals ... as there is a season for everything.